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Ian Barrington

Ian Barrington FRSA, is concerned with paradigms of identity which he investigates through sculpture, installation and text toward a de-ethnicization of materiality and art making as a reflection of the self; exploring narratives of post-contemporary sociopolitical issues.

Ian is interested in macro societal dynamics; investigating exclusion, empowerment and intersectionality, exploring issues of the misappropriation and compartmentalisation of identity through institutionalised conventions of demographic paradigms engaging towards a conversation into the mechanics of our world. 

Ian's practice is influenced by contemporary architecture, design and investigating process of materiality, utilising a range of linear fabric and media expressed through abstract structures visioned through building site specific installations and sculpture investigating the physicality of media and form influenced by traditions of craft making, and applied science and mathematics. Abstract geodesic structures hint on representations of the body, physical objects, infrastructures of our built environment, and everyday objects of home, work and play, rendered inert from its former physicality or displaced from its environment, sometimes suggesting broken systems

He also works with other media including film, paint and writing, subverting experiences to explore dialogues, phenomena exploring the role of the author and the alternate.

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